Learn These Abbreviations to Keep Up with Korean Internet Slang Top 10!

Learn These Abbreviations to Keep Up with Korean Internet Slang!


Korean slang evolves incredibly fast, so much so that even native speakers struggle to keep up with all the new abbreviations! Korean internet slang is often created by using the first letters of words, and sometimes, only the initial consonants are used to type even faster. Here are 10 popular abbreviations often seen in Korean YouTube comments and online communities, especially among K-pop fans!



Korean Internet Slang! Top 10 


1. ㅇㄱㄹㅇ (이거 레알, It’s real)

– Meaning: Used to say “this is real” or to agree with emphasis.
– Example: “ㅇㄱㄹㅇ, this performance is the best” (*This is real, this performance is the best!*)


korean slang 0720
A famous meme where people answer ‘ㅇㄱㄹㅇ’ with ‘0720’ in a slang quiz.



2. ㅂㅂㅂㄱ (반박 불가, Irrefutable)

– Meaning: When something is so perfect it’s beyond argument.
– Example: “This idol is the coolest, ㅂㅂㅂㄱ!” (*This idol is the best, no arguments!*)



3. ㄱㅊ (괜찮아, It’s OK)

– Meaning: Used for reassurance or to say “don’t worry.”
– Example: “Don’t worry, the next comeback will be better. ㄱㅊ!” (*It’s okay, the next comeback will go better.*)



4. ㅅㄱ (수고해, Keep up the good work)

– Meaning: A quick way to say “good job” to someone who’s worked hard.
– Example: “Thanks for the great performance today, ㅅㄱ!” (*Great work today, thanks!*)



5. ㄷㅊ (닥쳐, Shut up)

– Meaning: A playful “shut up” used jokingly among friends.
– Example: “You’re bragging too much! ㄷㅊ!” (*A little too much bragging, shut up!*)



6. ㅁㅊ (미친, Crazy)

– Meaning: An exclamation for when something is crazy impressive.
– Example: “Wow, this performance is ㅁㅊ amazing!” (*Wow, this performance is insanely good!*)



7. ㄹㅇ (레알, Real)

– Meaning: Just like “real” in English, for “really” or “truly.”
– Example: “This song is ㄹㅇ so good!” (*This song is really good!*)



8. ㅇㅈ (인정, Agreed)

– Meaning: Shows agreement with someone’s opinion or statement.
– Example: “The visuals are top-tier, ㅇㅈ.” (*Agree, the visuals are top-tier.*)



9. ㅊㅋ (축하해, Congratulations)

– Meaning: A simple way to say “congrats!”
– Example: “Happy 1st debut anniversary, ㅊㅋ!” (*Congrats on the first debut anniversary!*)



10. ㅅㅌㅊ (상타치, Best)

– Meaning: Refers to something top-notch, the best of the best.
– Example: “This album is ㄹㅇ ㅅㅌㅊ.” (*This album is really top-tier!*)


Learning these can help K-pop fans understand Korean fandom culture and communicate even better! 🙂






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